Gerrit ESC Meeting Minutes
Engineering Steering Committee Meeting, Sep 14, 2022
Han-Wen Nienhuys, Luca Milanesio, Christophe Pouchet, Saša Živkov
Next meeting
Oct 5, 2022
Proposal of a Gerrit User Summit 2022 face-to-face in London
Based on the feedback of the Gerrit User Summit 2021, GerritForge proposed to have a Gerrit User Summit face-to-face again in London at CodeNode.
The format would be similar to the Summit in 2019 in Sunnyvale CA, where an AV streaming channel will allow people to attend and participate remotely.
SAP and Google will attend and present at the Summit but only remotely.
Gerrit v3.7 release plan draft
The release plan for Gerrit v3.7 has been shared, and there consensus that it can go ahead with the review and approval.
Google is focusing on closing down the in-flight features on master, GerritForge will be finalising the features for rendering changes imported as refs from other Gerrit setups, which would help the JGit project in moving their repositories to
Luca will bump the JGit version on Gerrit master ASAP, so that it can be tested on the ground before starting the stable-3.7 branch.
Public sector use of Gerrit
Luca shared the research done about the use of open-source in the UK:
- General guidance on the approach to open-source for UK Digital Services
- MoJ open positions for SCM admins with Gerrit experience
The two above resources give evidence that Gerrit is used in the UK and the Government Digital Services encourage the use of open-source in developing their platform.